13 August 2012

Welcome, Emilie Mikayla!

Emilie Mikayla Campbell
08.09.12 @ 0404
6#, 6oz ~ 20" long

Early Day 1 - "Poochie Lip"

Mid Day 1 - "Settling In"

Late Day 2 - "Resting Cozy"

  Day 3 - "the Big Brother"

Day 3 - "And, then, there were four..." 

        Day 4 - "Eyes Wide Shut!"

25 June 2012

Preparing to Be "The Big Brother!"

Taking Mama to PT . . .

. . . Visiting the 'Swimming Hole' w/ Dad . . .

. . . Entertaining 'Cousin' . . .

. . . Preparing Transport . . .

. . . Impatiently Waiting !